So in the meantime, here's an ad that I love. Yes, I worked on it! But I love it because the environment is something I care deeply about. It angers me to see trash on rivers, beaches, and even on the road. I'm sure you've witnessed a similar scene when you're stuck in traffic and suddenly a car near you rolls down a window and unloads trash on the street. I want to scream, "Hey people! The world is not your trash can!" Well, in doing these ads I learned that plastics, the most dangerous form of everyday trash, actually ends up primarily in the ocean.
This last print ad was cited by today. Yay.
Every year, 70% of plastic wastes are dumped into the sea. Most people are unaware of the massive amounts of plastic circling the ocean. In parts of the Pacific Ocean, plastic particles outweigh plankton - the main food source for most fish. Thus, fish accidentally consume these particles. They end up poisoned or on our dinner plates. The key really is to prevent them from reaching the sea. BBDO Guerrero hopes that with these print ads featuring disposable plastic objects shaped into corals, people will think twice the next time they pick up a plastic stirrer.
Agency: BBDO Guerrero
CCO/Writer: David Guerrero
ECD: Brandie Tan and Tin Sanchez
Creative Director: Pia Roxas Ocampo
Art Director: JP Palileo
Copywriter: Knox Balbastro
Photographer: Neil Oshima and Paulo Gripo
Sculptor: Olivia d’Aboville
Partners: Photolibrary
Account Management: Carmela Quirino and Angelica Uy.
....our marine friends =)
Kudos to BBDO....