New York based Filipino illustrator and designer, Pepper Roxas, created these prints to help raise funds for the victims of the recent tsunami and eartquake in Japan. On this drawing are the words Ganbatte Kudasai or “Do your best/Don’t give up!”

I feel a little guilty that I haven't kept abreast with what's happening in Japan. In the back of my mind, I have a strong feeling that Japan has it got it covered. They are a strong, self-sufficient society that's used to picking up the pieces. My friend who was recently in Tokyo told me about how shoppers in the grocery store did not panic after the massive earth shaking. They stayed calm and when the rumblings subsided, the crowds simply returned all the goods they were supposed to buy and filed out. Truly admirable discipline.
100% of all profits from the sales of this tee will be donated through the Japan Society of New York.
True to the discipline of Japanese culture, PANIC is not included in their vocabulary. My Japanese co-teachers were not even bothered amidst the turmoil that their country was facing. Positivity overflowed in their hearts. May our countrymen be as brave as them.